Band's Night

In 2023 we will organize a concert series at SOS Recording Studios in Ans - Belgium under the name BAND'S NIGHT. The idea is to offer Bands and Artists the opportunity to play a concert that is live captured on Video and Audio ... for free !
All you need to do is sell the tickets we give you - turn up and play your set and you walk away with a free multi-cam video and multi-track audio recording ...

What Is It ?

- Live Concert
- 3 Bands per night
- Multi-Cam Video recording
- Multi-Track Audio recording

Who is it for ?

Any Band or Artist looking for a professional Multi-cam Video capture and Multi-track Audio recording for promotional use.

How much does it cost ?

700 Euros per Band or Artist

What do you get ?

- 90 Entrance Tickets you can sell : 12,50 Euro / ticket
- Multi-Cam video playout of your Concert
- Multi-Track Audio recording of the concert

- 1,5 hour rehearsal/soundcheck slot in the afternoon
- 50 minute Concert slot

When & Where ?

SOS Recording Studios Concert Hall
Rue du 15 Aout 5 - 4430 Ans

2023 Dates :

- Bands Night 2023#1 : Sat 18-02-2023
- Bands Night 2023#2 : Sat 18-03-2023
- Bands Night 2023#3 : Sat 13-05-2023
- Bands Night 2023#4 : Sat 17-06-2023
- Bands Night 2023#5 : Sat 23-09-2023
- Bands Night 2023#6 : Sat 14-10-2023

for more info contact us on social media or send us an email :